The Interpretation of Dreams

23.13 €
Перевод А.А. Брилла с предисловием Стивена Уилсона. Дерзкий шедевр Зигмунда Фрейда "Толкование сновидений" никогда не переставал вызывать споры с момента его публикации в 1900 году. Фрейд признан основателем психоанализа, ключа к раскрытию человеческого разума, задачи, которая стала необходимой для выживания человека в двадцатом веке, поскольку наука и техника опередили нашу способность справляться с их последствиями. Фрейд видел, что человек находится в состоянии войны с самим собой и часто не в состоянии вынести слишком много реальности. Он выдвинул теорию о том, что сны - это контрабандные изображения зверя внутри человека, тайно проникающие в сознание во время сна. В интерпретации Фрейда анализ сновидений является ключом к раскрытию тайн бессознательного.
Книга на анлийском языке.
Translated by A.A. Brill With an Introduction by Stephen Wilson. Sigmund Freud's audacious masterpiece, The Interpretation of Dreams, has never ceased to stimulate controversy since its publication in 1900. Freud is acknowledged as the founder of psychoanalysis, the key to unlocking the human mind, a task which has become essential to man's survival in the twentieth century, as science and technology have rushed ahead of our ability to cope with their consequences. Freud saw that man is at war with himself and often unable to tolerate too much reality. He propounded the theory that dreams are the contraband representations of the beast within man, smuggled into awareness during sleep. In Freudian interpretation, the analysis of dreams is the key to unlocking the secrets of the unconscious mind.
Книга на анлийском языке.
Translated by A.A. Brill With an Introduction by Stephen Wilson. Sigmund Freud's audacious masterpiece, The Interpretation of Dreams, has never ceased to stimulate controversy since its publication in 1900. Freud is acknowledged as the founder of psychoanalysis, the key to unlocking the human mind, a task which has become essential to man's survival in the twentieth century, as science and technology have rushed ahead of our ability to cope with their consequences. Freud saw that man is at war with himself and often unable to tolerate too much reality. He propounded the theory that dreams are the contraband representations of the beast within man, smuggled into awareness during sleep. In Freudian interpretation, the analysis of dreams is the key to unlocking the secrets of the unconscious mind.
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